Learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and nonviolent protest – Alt Ed Austin

Teaching kids about the holiday we’re marking today seems especially important this year. How can we help our children understand and embrace the power of nonviolent protest in a time when they see adults engaged in so many violent acts?

We’ve rounded up a range of approaches for parents and educators who want to open up discussions with kids about activism for freedom, equality, and justice on the day that honors Martin Luther King Jr.—or any day. Please share any books, videos, or other resources you love in the comments below!

Something Everyone Can Do

NPR’s Kwame Alexander and Rachel Martin would like people to “write our way out of the unprecedented events of the past year and into the space of possibility.” They suggest we write a poem beginning with the line, “I dream a world.” We can do this just for ourselves and our families or share it with the folks at NPR, and they will create a community crowd-sourced poem out of many of the submissions.

For Older Kids

KQED recently created a learning video and materials for discussion called Is There a Right Way to Protest? It’s up-to-date and terrific for launching conversations on a variety of topics, both historical and contemporary.

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