join us for the fall convening and check out the Instagram page

Join us for the fall convening of The Early Childhood Agenda on Wednesday, October 16th, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Zoom. You can register here.

We’ll hear updates from all our workgroup lead facilitators and coalition partners. And you’ll get a first look at proposed priority recommendations.

As many of you already know, The Early Childhood Agenda is a statewide initiative devoted to improving the lives of young children in Massachusetts. We continue to host monthly meetings to engage and collaborate with partners across the Commonwealth on our key priorities.

As we look ahead to a new season, here’s how you can connect or reconnect with The Agenda:

► Join a workgroup and attend the next meeting – the meeting and event schedule are available here

► Catch up on meeting materials and recordings using Basecamp – if you need assistance accessing content, email us at [email protected] 

► Learn from guest speakers featured on our YouTube playlists for The 9:30 Call and The Early Childhood Agenda 

Finally, be sure to follow The Agenda on Instagram @ealychildhoodagenda where you’ll find the public awareness campaign being launched by The Agenda’s Workgroup #8 to establish community-wide recognition of the importance of high-quality experiences for young children’s optimal growth and development. This is part of a larger effort to bring early childhood to the forefront, and help our partners promote the important work they do!

To learn more about Workgroup 8:

► Watch the recording of their appearance on The 9:30 Call and check out the presentation slides they shared.

► Read the story about the new Instagram account on our blog, Eye on Early Childhood.

Please spread the word! We’re counting on you to help us build our growing community of early childhood professionals, parents, and advocates.

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